What you see is the third pass for this pattern. It looks mostly right except for a couple of rows where I forgot that it was garter stitch and did stocking stitch instead. This is a lace triangles scarf with an increase every 4 rows. A little bit more challenging than usual, with very confusing “yo” and instructions that could have been a little bit more straightforward, especially for the increase every 4th row.
This is probably the most interesting / challenging part of knitting – trying new patterns. Knit a few rows of the pattern to see if you make it work and watch it unfold. You might have to try it a few times before the pattern looks as its supposed to. So I wouldn’t give up after the first time. This especially so for more harder designs with like lace and aran. I tried this pattern 3 times! Just need work through the kinks of the pattern and not give up.
“Yo” is yarn over. I think it should be more prescisely called “yon” yarn over needle. Its basically creating an new stitch with yarn over the needle, sounds straight forward? Each one is achieved differently, but the result is the same. Once you understand what end result of “yo” is, it should be very easy to do it for all 4 combinations. Would it not be easier to just use yf and yrn to explain all this with less confusion?
4 “yo” combinations | How to achieve this in practise: |
New stitch between 2 knit stitches | yf to achieve this |
New stitch beween 2 purl stitches | Yrn |
New stitch between a knit and purl stitch | yrn |
New stitch between a purl and knit stitch | Yf (do not bring yarn back to knit) |