I am sure like me, you have spent many hours wondering along the aisles at Daiso, marveling at the many wonderful things that can be had for only S$2.00. And then taking them home and forgetting all about them. I now try to control myself, I only buy items that I need immediately, but it is oh so tempting to fill the basket with loads of things as they all only S$2.00 each.
Here are some wondrous items for knitting and crochet from Daiso that won’t break the bank or leave you feeling guilty.
- Knitting needles
- Crochet hooks
- Accessories
- Yarn
- Books
- Accessory bags
- Bags
- Mesh bags
Knitting needles
There is quite a good selection of knitting needles at Daiso. Both bamboo and hollow plastic ones. So if you are looking for cheap in expensive spare set, so that you can experiment with, consider the hollow plasitc ones, they are inexpensive and light, not the best, but very serviceable.
Single and double pointed knitted bamboo needles
The bamboo knitting needles are of acceptable quality for $2.00. They are quite smooth, but of course not silky smooth like the expensive ones that are coated with laminate. This time round there was only a small selection, 3 different sizes and some very long double pointed knitting ones. These are in Japanese sizes, in my opinion not so convenient, but for S$2.00, I am not going to complain and just use the sizing chart.
Straight hollow single pointed knitting needles
The hollow plastic ones in candy colours are great. Top marks for the hollow plastic knitting needles larger than 4.5mm. They are smooth, light and knit quite well. The point of these needles could be slightly more convex (slimmer) with a sharper tip which would make them easier to knit with (yes you get these nice tips with the newer top of the line knitting needles), but these will do quite nicely. I like very much that they are very light, recommended for extra large sizes. These are available in metric sizes – which I find the most convenient.
Circular bamboo knitting needles
They also had a small selection of 40cm circular bamboo knitting needles, also in metric sizing. These look to be serviceable. I have not tried any of these Daiso circular knitting needles, I will not be commenting on the joint or feel of these knitting needles.
Crochet hooks
There are 2 ranges of crochet hooks available at Daiso, a gold range and a multicolour range. The gold range in Japanese sizing and the multicoloured ones are metric. I’ve not used any of these myself, but if you’re a knitter, but looking for a crochet hook to make corrections, adjustments and sewing up, then these would be good value at $2.00. At this price it is also good as to try these out if you beginning to crochet, without having a huge out lay in crochet hooks, it gives you a bunch of sizes to experiment with. However you might want to consider crochet hooks with larger more comfortable plastic handles for serious crocheting.
The selection accessories was rather small this time. They had cable needles, stitch holders, and stitch marker rings. I think these are all super value for money and would definitely buy these at Daiso. I find it far better to purchase the inexpensive accessories as they tend to get lost very often. I however am not fond of this style of stitch holder as you will have to slide the stitches from the needle holder to a knitting needle before you can knit the stitches.
There is a small selection of yarn which appear mostly of the acrylic variety, as they are quite in expensive. It is unlikely that you will get top notch virgin wool at this price. Great for practice and trying out swatches, making small projects and other things. Very good for novices or if you do not wish to splurge on yarn.
I have seen books on knitting, crochet and other crafts at Daiso, but the day that I visited Daiso, they did not have them. The books are in full colour and in Japanese. As with most Japanese knitting books, the instructions are clearly depicted in diagrams, and are easy to follow even if you do not read Japanese. At $2.00, these are such a steal!
Accessories bags
They have a selection of cosmetic bags that will be suitable for storing accessories. They come in a wide range of colours and styles. I find it pointless to buy very nice and expensive accessories bags and bags for knitting. These from Daiso will do! I scrimp on these and spend on nice exquisite luxury yarn!
I buy these to put my projects in. They don’t need to be very strong, they just need to be the right size. Again very good value for money.
Mesh bags
These come in a large variety of sizes at Daiso and are highly recommended for washing knitted and crocheted items in washing machines. Please see Storage and care of hand knitted and crocheted items Part 2 for more information on mesh bags.
As you can see, there are a wide variety of things that are really good value for money at Daiso for knitters. Sometimes they run out of things very quickly and you need to buy it when you see it. Sometimes they restock their shelves, but it may take months before you see the same thing again. Also they do not always have the full range in stock, you might have to try your luck over several months or check the other stores to get what you want. Overall it is very good value for what you are paying.
Hope you have fun at Daiso!
Hi! From which Daiso branch did these photos come from?
The Daiso on the 5th floor of Plaza Singapura, Orchard Road.
Hi, do they sell circular needles for knitting?
That is a good question. I do not believe have seen any circular knitting needles at Daiso. But I do know that stock moves really quick. I would just visit Daiso to have a look every time I pass the place.
hi, daiso parkway sell or no ya?
The stock at Diaso seems to vary from store to store and day to day. It would be a good idea to head down to Daiso at Parkway Parade to check.
Do you conduct knitting class at west of Singapore?
Very sorry, at this time we are not conducting any classes in any part of Singapore.
Does Tampines daiso sell as well?
Stock at all Daiso stores seem to come and go very quickly. So it is very hard to say at any one time if they have an item in stock. Best to check every time you go.