Thank you for visiting the Tropical Knitter Blog.
In this space I hope you find inspiration and ideas. Projects, reviews and stuff that one can are useful for our nice balmy weather in Singapore.
A little bit about me:
I’ve knitted and crocheted for a long time. It all started when my I saw this woman entertain herself with knitting at a really nice little bowling alley. I thought “wow one can make something out of some yarn and 2 metal sticks!”. I was sold! My mother bought me some yarn and a pair of knitting needles (which I still have today!!), and my aunt showed me the basics. And so I knitted made hairbands, pencil cases and crochetted scarves. Easy items. Eventually I made a nice pink sweater with the help of a nice lady from a shop. With the basics of sweater making achieved, I started on more challenging sweaters and tops. I read a lot, improvised, unpicked a lot. and eventually knitted a of things for friends and family.