I finally finished this project 2 months ago. Finally after 2 years of working on this project. As you can see the buttons have not been sewn on yet! This cardigan is knitted with Patons Feathers. You can read the review for this yarn at Patons Feathers.
I am so glad this project is completed. I love how furry it is. Its not scratchy. Not superbly warm especially with the short sleeves so it can be worn in warm climate. It took such a long time, because I was knitting small gifts for friends, but mainly because this yearn is so difficult to knit. And no I won’t be knitting anything with this yearn again even if you paid me. This furry cardigan is mainly knitted in stocking stitch, so you would think its not at all difficult and would be an intermediate knitting project.
So not true! The yarn catches very easily, so it slips off the knitting needle if you are not attentive. You have to be very focused on knitting so that you can pick up any stitch that slips off accidentally because if you do not, you will be able to find it again because of the texture of the fabric. This resulted in many many false starts as stitches seemed to miraculous disappear. I did the first 7-10 of the back (which is the first piece) 3 times because of this. After that I paid full attention while knitting this cardigan, which meant that I knitted this in front of the television with eyes on the on the knitting and ears on the the telly.
I have in my stash enough of this yarn in cerise to make a little bag. It will look great, but just the thought of knitting with this yarn again is making me cringe!