ere are 3 very useful books that any serious crochet enthusiast should have. These are technique books cover all the basic skills that one needs and sometimes more than that. These are great for reference, in case you need to need to check something, try something new or forget – this happens to me I haven’t done it in a while.

This book is well written and has great diagrams. It describes the techniques very well. The diagrams are clear. It also explains symbols. It covers all basic techniques, designs so that you can try your hand designing stuff and projects that you can make. This book is a great all round introduction book for crochet.
Skill Level: Basic
Rating: A+

This Japanese book covers the symbols and basic crochet techniques. The diagrams are so well thought through you don’t need to read Japanese to understand it. This book opens the door to crocheting with symbols which is how it is done in Japanese crochet patterns. Most people find much easier than reading patterns in English. The only thing is I wish they would print the name of the stitch in English next to the symbol. This is not hard to figure out if you can cross reference with another book.
Skill level: Basic
Price: S$22.80
Rating: A

This Japanese book too has great diagrams that are very straight forward. This book covers more advanced techniques of grannie squares, joining, circular crochet. Once again, the diagrams are so straight foward, you don’t need to understand Japanese. Get this book only after you have got Clear & Simple Crochet Symbols.
Skill level: Intermediate
Price: S$22.80
Rating: A
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marvelous article, can not help but wait to examine far more of your postings.
Time to waste a little time on the net hehe.
Regards ,Taren